Why am I receiving spam / spoof calls?
Please be assured that your personal data has not been compromised. Digital scam cases in the form of spoof calls are on the rise in Singapore. With call-spoofing technology, scammers can mask their original overseas number and appear as a local number on your mobile phone. You can block a lot of these calls with mobile apps, internet services, or call blocking devices. You may refer to https://www.ncpc.org.sg/ for more information.
How do I know it is a spoof call?
"+" Sign Prefix
Seeing what seems like a local number with a "+" prefix is likely to be a spoofed call. Only incoming international calls have the "+" sign prefix displayed whilst local calls will not have a "+" sign prefix.
What can I do about spam calls?
If unsure, call the NCPC Anti-Scam hotline at 1800-722-6688 (9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri) or email hotline@ncpc.org.sg.
Never give personal information and One-Time Passwords (OTPs) over the phone.
Always verify with the organization’s main hotline and not through the contact details given in the suspected call.
For unexpected calls showing a "+" prefix, it is an incoming international call. Exercise greater caution when answering them.
You are also strongly encouraged to report the spam calls received by providing us the spam call number via https://changimobile.com/blockspam. We will send the report to the necessary department and authority to include it in the block list.